collaborative society(definition)
an increasingly recurring phenomenon of emergent and enduring cooperative groups, whose members have developed particular patterns of relationships through technology-mediated cooperation
(Collaborative Society, page 11)
In the book we talk about:
Emerging technologies, thanks to their direct collaboration-enabling features and engagement of much broader populations, act as super-multipliers for many effects of collaboration that would otherwise be less noticeable.
This book is not just another take on collaboration embedded only in critical theory but rather a forum to discuss potential future scenarios regarding open collaboration as a social phenomenon, and the role of tech in it, too.
We are passionate about the budding collaborative society that relies on different modes of collaboration, sharing, joint creation, production, distribution, trade and consumption of goods and services by people, communities and organizations.
More specifically, we discuss broadly:
Neither “Sharing” nor “Economy”
Peer Production
Collaborative Media Production and Consumption
Collaborative Social Activism and Hacktivism
Collaborative Knowledge Creation
Collaborative Gadgets
Being Together Online
Controversies and the Future of Collaborative Society
And we generally tend to avoid:
Sharing economy in its mainstream understanding (as it is a marketing stunt)
Free market and how it will ultimately solve everything
Uber and Airbnb
Opulence, singularity and other forms of techno-solutionism
we are Dariusz Jemielniak and Aleksandra Przegalińska